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系列青铜卷制轴承SF-40 表铜卷制轴承Sf-41 表铜卷制轴承SF-42 青铜卷制轴承

系列青铜卷制轴承SF-40 表铜卷制轴承Sf-41 表铜卷制轴承SF-42 青铜卷制轴承
SF-40 表铜卷制轴承Wrapped bronze bearing
Sf-41 表铜卷制轴承Wrepped bronze bearing
SF-42 青铜卷制轴承Qrapped bronze bearing

产品概述 Introduction

    Thin wall thickness is the most important peculiarity of the SF-4 Bush series. They are light and compact, The inner-layer of the bush being a kind of high density copper alloy of special compositions, there is no hole and pit and provides higher load capacity and fatigue strength, in compare with traditional casting bronze bushes. It is manufactured by advanced technology and machines, various kinds of lubricating indentations or grooves may be readily provided on the sliding surface, and so the re-oiling period is remarkably prolonged and the service lift is accordingly prolonged. It’s used in agricultural machinery, construction machinery as well as engineering machinery etc.

SF-4系列产品的优点 Advantages

1. 节约大量铜材、节省车制铜套工时;
Saving copper material, saving labor hours of tuming ;
2. 与车制轴套、滚动轴承相比其重量轻、成本低;
Low weight and low cost;
3. 可在摩擦面加工出各种油穴、油坑、储存一定油脂,延长加油时间是铜套的5倍;
Re-oiling period is prolonged usually to 5 times;
4. 极高的承载能力,特别是适用于较粗糙的摩擦副;
High load capacity, particularly fitted for relatively rough wear, Mating surface;
5. 更换方便,标准系列采购容易。
Ready for change, available from stock.

Provide standardized products: Cylindrical bushes P26, flanged bushes P28, thrust washers P17、P19, flat strip material P17.

Provide non-standardized products: Cylindrical bushes, flanged bushes, thrust washers, flat strip material, half bearing, wear plate, SF-4 with steel bush.

上一篇: 翻边轴承标准尺寸SF40-25、SF40-30、SF40-35、SF40-40、SF40-45、SF40-50、SF40-55、SF40-60、SF40-65、SF40-70、SF40-75、SF40-80、SF40-90、SF40-100、SF40-110、SF40-120、SF40-130、SF40-140、SF40-150、SF40-160、SF40-170、SF40-180、SF40-190、SF40-200 —— 下一篇:镶嵌式固体润滑轴承产品概述SF-50、SF-51、SF-52、SF-53、SF-54

地址:天津市西青区中北镇中北工业园D区1层 轴承型号查询
TEL:022-58519721/22/23 FAX:022-23868160